Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 5, 2012 Meeting

Walpole Site Based Committee Meeting.  Wednesday 9/5/2012 7:00pm
Attendance:     Sam Jacobs, Jackie Ronning, Molly Sheldon, Kelley Hicks, Lorraine Brooks, Stephanie Fuller, Jen Fabis, Sarah Manning, Glenn Elsesser, Wendy Whiton, Carol Ross.
1.     Community Forum –nothing at this time
2.     Minutes approved from 5/2/12
3.     Old Business:
a.)   Membership: New member Kelley Hicks will be recording the notes this year. Mr. Jacobs would like to put word out in the community to attract community members.  Will use The Clarion and The Walpolean.  Stephanie Fuller is our new Guidance Counselor for the primary and for the NW Schools.
b.)   WSB Blog:  What would we like to see from this blog? By-laws, minutes, goals, forum topics.  Could this be conversational and who would monitor that.
c.)   Annual Report: Mr. Jacobs added the report at the end of the year, and is also available on-line. Decided not to do a town bulk mailing.
d.)   2012-2013 Goals:
1.     Support the school improvement processes.
2.     Support the 2012 accreditation recommendations for improvement. (ongoing to be discussed 2-3 items per staff meeting)
3.     Encourage and maintain communication and support for the Walpole school between parents, staff and community members.
4.     Attend and participate in school board and budget committee deliberations
5.     Research the benefits of a Pre-K program
6.     Have students and staff provide presentations at monthly meetings
7.     Review and update the Site-based Committee By-laws
4.     New Business:
a.)   By-law review, adding to our goals. Subcommittee formed to make recommendations: Sam Jacobs, Jen Fabis and Lorraine Brooks.
b.)   Performance Report reviewed
c.)   School opening: We received funds for a Title 1 full time teacher for the NW School.  The certified teacher has been hired and will start in the next 2-3 weeks. All other positions fully staffed
d.)   Middle school received new Literature and Science series.  The science series can be accessed online.
e.)   November 5th there will be a practice Emergency Drill at 3:30pm for all staff members, and Emergency Service members.  Live drills will be implemented throughout the school year for the students.
f.)    Suicide Prevention, bullying, and harassment letter went home.  Established a protocol to follow if a student comes to a teacher/staff with health issues.  Trainers are coming in to train the staff and the community on suicide prevention. Goal is to have all staff trained by the end of the year.
Next Meeting Wednesday October 3rd, 2012 7:00pm Walpole Elementary School Library